Top 5 Healthy Sugar Alternatives

G. Eve
2 min readJan 3, 2021

What can we eat instead of sugar?

Some seemingly “healthy sugar alternatives” are just as bad, if not worse for the body as sugar.

This includes agave and fruit juices, due to their high content of fructose, they are transported straight to the liver cells forming a build up of triglycerides and a damaged liver function. Triglycerides are released into the bloodstream. Fat filled plaque then build up in the artery walls.

There are many many sugar alternatives that also have chemical extracts.

So what are the best sugar alternatives to use that won’t have such bad results on our body or our blood sugar?

Here are My Top Five


Zero calories and doesn’t affect your blood sugar, however it may produce an insulin response. The jury is still out!

Monk Fruit

The sweetness in Monk Fruit is derived from mogrosides which are full of antioxidants and anti inflammatory. It doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin!


Erythritol is derived from a plant fibre, it has no effect on blood sugar or the gut microbiome. 90% are absorbed before the bowel so it usually doesn’t mess up the stomach!


I love Yacon, its tastes amazing, it is a resistant starch so the calories are not absorbed, our blood sugar doesn’t rise AND our good gut bacteria is fed! :)

Photo by Daily Slowdown on Unsplash

Pure Raw Honey from your local area

This will raise your blood sugar and your insulin. However in small amounts it has many healthy benefits! It has a good source of antioxidants, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can heal wounds and is a phytonutrient powerhouse. It can also help digestive issues, soothe a sore throat and help ward of allergies- helping you adapt to your local area!!

Sometimes sugar in its proper food form is worth it!

